Massage Roller

Two 360° beaded rollers allow you to attack those stubborn knots and aches from any angle.
Designed for deep tissue pain relief, the Posture Envy™ Massage Roller features six beaded rollers, allowing for for maximum coverage.
Enjoy your day pain and distraction free with just 5 minutes a day. From those morning neck aches to that stubborn tightness thats been bothering you for days. the Posture Envy™ Massage Roller is built to allow you to control how much pressure is applied without any damage to its durable design.
Ergonomically designed, the Posture Envy™ Massage Roller is not only designed to release that irritating neck tightness, but can also be used on your calves, forearms or any other tight muscle group!
Take action and say "no more" to that bothersome neck pain and grab a Posture Envy™ Massage Roller and start feeling better in no time
Discount Code:GPDD5Y